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Managing Out-of-Policy Transactions
Managing Out-of-Policy Transactions
Kumar Sai avatar
Written by Kumar Sai
Updated over a week ago

Every transaction in your company should be accounted for, and to manage this, we have an 'out-of-policy' in place. This setting tracks and marks transactions as out-of-policy when a user fails to submit proof of purchase or violates company policy.

There are two ways a transaction can be marked as out-of-policy:

  1. Manual Marking by Admin: An admin can manually mark a transaction as out-of-policy if it violates internal company policies.

    a. Click on the 'red flag' icon

    b. This would enable you to manually add comments to explain why it's out-of-policy

  2. Automatic Marking by Pluto: Pluto can automatically mark a transaction as out-of-policy if it breaches the receipt policy configured under settings.

    a. To enable this feature, navigate to Settings > Company > Receipt Policy and set how many days should a card auto-lock if a receipt for a transaction has not been submitted.

    b. Then, activate it under the respective card's policies. This setup will allow you to automatically track and manage out-of-policy transactions.

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